Mini Dental Implants

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Mini dental implants in Hungary


For a lot of people, the length of time needed for dental procedures is a huge turn off. This is why most people will put off visiting the dentist until the last minute. The good news is that we can offer you dental implantation in under two hours. Yes, in under two hours our dentist will have your mini dental implants in place and you can go about your other business. And what’s even better is that our prices are considerably cheap.


For £ 1600 / 1890 Euro / 2560 USD, you can restore that much needed confidence and smile better and more often. The quoted price is inclusive of supported prosthesis and 4 mini dental implants.

How mini dental implants broaden your options


For the past 25 years, dental implantation therapy has stood out as one of the more significant advancements in the field of dentistry. Before dental implant therapy became a reality, a lot of people had to go through life without some of their teeth. Missing teeth are not only a hindrance when it comes to eating, they can also cause major confidence issues. A lot of people who have lost some of their teeth are afraid to interact or even smile in public because they feel self conscious. Thanks to dental implant therapy, a lot of grateful dental patients now owe their improved life quality and increased confidence to long term denture stability. If you have lost some of your teeth, there is no reason why you should continue to live life with shame. You can get mini dental implants abroad and say goodbye to shy smiles and awkward interactions.


We offer various kinds of implants and restorations. Usually, what you choose depends on the content of bone available coupled with your general health and your preference as well. Your doctor will be more than willing to discuss the options available and the best one for you.

What exactly mini dental implants are?

But what exactly do we mean by mini dental implants? Mini dental implants are implants that involve minimally invasive treatment for denture stabilization. These implants have a small diameter of 2mm and allow the dentist to widen the range of dental clients who can be treated.


The 3M ESPE MDI Denture Stabilization System, was developed in order to provide stability of dentures for those who are not too keen on conventional implant surgery. For instance, if you do not have sufficient bone to support full-sized dental implants, mini dental implants are the best bet. Mini dental implants are also great for those who are unable to meet the cost of traditional dental implant therapy. This is because they are considerably lower priced. When you decide to get the mini dental implants in Hungary, you reduce the cost even further.

Understanding the MDI Denture Stabilization System



This system is made of a tiny titanium alloy implant whose work is to act like the tooth of your root. A retaining fixture is added to the bottom part of your denture. This retaining fixture works as a socket with a rubber O-ring while the implant’s head is ball-shaped. Once the denture is fitted, the O-ring fits tightly over the ball and secures the denture. Once seated, the denture rests firmly on your gum. This provides much needed denture stability. Moreover the implant fixtures support micro-mobility while being able to withstand natural lifting forces.


Placement of MDI


As earlier mentioned, the length of time spent at the dentist’s office is of concern to many people. Thankfully, the placement of MDI mini dental implants is a procedure that is done easily and quickly under local anesthesia. Your dentist will put you under local anesthesia and then use a controlled, precise and minimally invasive surgical procedure to place the mini implants into your jawbone. The implants’ heads will protrude from the jawbone thereby providing a good, solid and reliable foundation for holding your dentures firmly in place. The fact that the mini dental implants are placed through a minimally invasive technique means that the healing period is greatly reduced. As such, the dentures can be stabilized on the same day that the mini dental implants are placed. This is of course great news if you are not big on making repeat visits to your dentist’s office.

What to expect on your first day


It is recommended that you let the denture sit for the initial 48 hours after placement of the mini dental implants. Some mild and minimal discomfort is expected but this will be regulated by the pain relieving medication which we will give you. Be sure to take the medication as prescribed by the dentist, and only if necessary. The denture must feel secure and there should be no excessive bleeding. After the placement procedure, you can eat as early as you like. However, it is best that you avoid foods that are either too hard or too sticky for the period that the dentist will recommend. Once you remove the denture, after the 48 hours have lapsed, rinse out your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash.

Placing and removing your dentures


Before you place your dentures, you must ensure that your implants and O-ring fixtures are clean and withoutdebris. After ensuring this is the case, take a hold of the denture with your hands and set it lightly. You must feel the O-rings resting above the implant’s ball head after which you press firmly while applying equal pressure on both sides. Ensure that the implants heads snugly fit each O-ring.

The denture will snap into place and you will feel it. In case you have trouble placing the dentures, make sure it is not because the dentures are dirty. It is imperative that the dentures are absolutely clean. If the dentures are clean and you are still having difficulty placing them, ensure that you can feel them resting above each socket. A slight touch will help you ascertain this. Remember to always push downwards with equal pressure on either side. If you still cannot place them, request the assistance of a family member or your spouse.


If you want to get the denture out, do it by placing your thumbs under each side of the denture rim. Proceed to push each side upwards simultaneously. Your tongue will also come in handy in the removal process which is relatively simple. At first, you may encounter some difficulty getting the placement and removal of the denture right but after a while you will get the hang of it so don’t fret.

Care and maintenance

As with your natural teeth, you must ensure you take good care of your mini dental implants so that they can serve you for a lifetime. In order to do this, you must thoroughly brush the ball of the implants and do it as you would your natural teeth. Food that gets stuck between your teeth and debris otherwise known as plaque must always be removed after all meals. If not, the plaque will accumulate and lead to inflammation of the gum tissue. The plaque and inflammation will then spread to your O-ring fixtures, resulting in distorted seating on top of loss of retention. It is therefore important to ensure you clean out the O-ring fixtures.


Ultrasonic cleaners are the most ideal way to ensure that you keep your retaining fixtures clean and without food and debris. Mouthwash or even a 50-50 solution of peroxide will work best with such types of cleaners. You can also use a water pick to rinse the dentures. Avoid effervescent cleans and in case of any problems with the seating of the denture, call our dentist right away. The dentist will determine the best course of action and arrange for a check up, if necessary.

Benefits of MDI


If you have lost some of your teeth in an accident or to decay, you may find it hard to cope with day to day tasks that other people find relatively mundane. For instance, smiling. Even though it hardly qualifies to be called a task, you will find it very hard to smile when some of your teeth are missing. They say, the first thing a stranger notices about you is your smile amongst other things. A smile radiates confidence and warmth. When your teeth are missing, however confident a person you are, you will definitely find it hard to show that confidence in form of a smile. Thankfully, all is not lost. With the mini dental implants, you can restore that confidence and face the world with a smile.


Our teeth play a pivotal role in our speech. If you don’t believe it, listen to someone who has lost their teeth. This is the reason why some senior citizens have a hard time pronouncing certain words properly. Missing teeth impact your speech negatively by making it hard to say certain, if not all, words properly. If you cannot communicate clearly, it is very likely that you will have many frustrating encounters, especially when you are talking to people you just met, who are not used to you. Do yourself a favor and get mini dental implants abroad. Once you have the dental implants in place, you will find it easier to communicate not just with potential employers, clients and partners, but also with those who already know you as well.

Neglecting Dental Treatment

The thing about teeth is that once one gets decayed, the fact that they are in close proximity ensures that the next one and the next get affected too. If you have been putting off dental treatment for your decayed teeth, you might want to think about the risk you are putting the rest of your teeth at. Neglect your teeth long enough and before you know it what was once a full mouth will be a pale shadow of itself. Therefore, mini dental implants allow you to arrest a problem before it gets out of hand. This way, you will not have to deal with greater problems down the road. And once you get the dental implants in place, do away with foods that accelerate tooth decay.


As earlier mentioned, mini dental implants improve your quality of life. One of the ways this happens is that you can now partake in meals that would otherwise have been impossible. People with missing teeth have to sometimes fore-go their favorite foods because their teeth cannot handle them. Life is short. You should not have to deny yourself some of the simple pleasures of life and yet you can get the mini dental implants at a pocket friendly price.

Saving Up For The Mini Dental Implants


Not everyone has money lying around that they can instantly get the minute they require it. If this is your predicament, you might want to take some time to save up for the mini dental implants. At the cost of £ 1700 /1990 Euro / 2560 USD , you should be able to get the implants you require. This means that if you save up £ 420 / 500 Euro / 642 USD  every month, you can get the dental implants after four months. What’s more, we offer very friendly packages especially if you require an extensive job done i.e. if you want more than a single dental implant. All you have to do is get in touch with us and we will let you know what we have to offer. Our dentists are always ready and willing to listen to your concerns.


There you have it. You might feel weighed down by your missing teeth. There is no reason why you should continue to suffer in silence. You may have heard before that dental implants are an expensive option reserved for the moneyed. In fact, this is not necessarily true. Dental implants in Hungary are very budget friendly. The placement procedure is quick and easy and you can go back to your normal life in under two hours. In fact, you can set up a dinner date with that hottie you’ve been admiring and still be in time for it, with a brand new smile. No more excuses. Get in touch with us and we will give you back that lovely and confident smile that you had almost forgotten about.

Are you ready for the perfect smile? Get your free dental plan now!


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