Top Reasons to Switch from Amalgam to Composite Fillings Now

Top Reasons to Switch from Amalgam to Composite Fillings Now

Composite filling from amalgam. . Gone are the days when metal fillings were the only available option when you had a cavity. Today, there is quite a wide range of options. One of the best options capable of delivering exceptional results is composite fillings. Unlike other fillings, this method is best suited for individuals looking to replace their amalgam fillings with a better option.

One of the best things about composite fillings is that they do not contain mercury and do not react to temperature changes. Besides, unlike amalgam fillings that only fill the gaps, composite filling replacement bonds directly to your tooth. But when is the best time to replace your amalgam fillings? Stick along to find out.

composite filling replacement

All About Fillings

Before you can decide on your ideal type of filing, you need to understand their differences. Technically, there are three main types of filings. You can choose to go with glass ionomers, amalgam, or composite. Glass ionomer filings are comprised of a mixture of glass powder, fine fluoride, and organic acid to produce a hard material.

On the other hand, amalgam fillings are composed of copper, mercury, silver, and tin. These elements combined form the perfect filling that is not only a stable filling but also quite strong. Besides, they are also tear and wear-resistant and pretty affordable.

Lastly, composite filling replacement is comprised of a mixture of acrylic resin and glass particles. The combination of these particles produces a material that resembles a tooth. Unlike the other types, composite fillings are resistant to fracture. They are also quite durable and more attractive. 

When Should You use composite filling from amalgam?

There are several instances when you can replace composite fillings, as shown below:

Allergic Reaction

Filings such as amalgam are designed with several metals, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Some of the allergic reaction signs you can check out for include rashes and swellings in your mouth or on the outer skin.


If your amalgam fillings are more than 20 years old, you might need to upgrade them with composite filling replacement. Note that amalgam fillings can be durable, but if you are looking for a lifetime solution, composite is the way to go.

Damage and potential health risks

This is yet another factor why you should consider replacing your amalgam fillings. As compared to composite filling replacement that sticks in the gaps, amalgams fill the space and can lead to tooth decay if the area opens up. There is also research that has shown that mercury can enter the body from the fillings. Over time, this can be quite dangerous and can cause health problems.

Aesthetic reasons for composite filling from amalgam

Most amalgam fillings are silver in color and can prove not to be suitable for some people. If you are uncomfortable with the appearance, you can opt for tooth-colored composite fillings. They are capable of improving your smile.

Final Thoughts about composite filling from amalgam

Are you considering composite filling replacement? We are ranked among the leading dental specialists in Hungary and guarantee quality results for all our clients around the world.

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