Teeth Whitening – everything you need to know

Teeth Whitening – everything you need to know

Teeth whitening is a popular service at our clinic. Just so you know what to expect, we have put together a mini-guide to teeth whitening for you.

She got teeth whitening

What Is Teeth Whitening and How Does It Work?

This popular dental treatment aids to whiten the color of your teeth. Teeth whitening, when carried out by professionals, will not harm your teeth and gums. Still, as with all other procedures, it is important to appreciate there are certain risks.

It is also important to be aware of what results to expect when it comes to teeth whitening treatment.

Teeth whitening treatment may require more than one visit. This very much depends on the way your teeth respond to the treatment. A session lasts about two and a half hours. First, a protective gel is applied to your gums. Then a special light is used to start the whitening process.

Possible Issues in case of teeth whitening

Tooth sensitivity is one of the problems you may experience for a 24-hour period after bleaching. When you suffer from sensitivity, the effect may be more severe. This is something the dentist will discuss with you.

However, on most occasions, any side effects diminish after 24 hours. But, at the same time, you need to be aware that bleaching can aggravate the condition for a certain period of time.

Fortunately, teeth sensitivity can now be effectively dealt with. An idea is to postpone teeth whitening treatment until after you have dealt with any sensitive issues.

A mild painkiller will also help to provide relief from any problems.

Risk Of Irritation to The Gencive

There is a slight risk that the solution used can irritate the dental dam.

On occasion, you may experience a slight burning sensation. Often, this does not persist for more than a few hours or a couple of days. You are far more likely to experience this kind of irritation when you use home teeth whitening treatment systems.

Our team will advise you on how to look after and care for your mouth and teeth after treatment. Needless to say, professional teeth whitening is far less likely to cause any unpleasant side effects.

Does Amalgam Bleach?

The answer to that question is no. If you have amalgam fillings in your teeth, they are not going to bleach in the same way as the rest of the tooth area. Instead you will experience different levels of shading. When you are concerned about your amalgam fillings, it is better to have them replaced with white composite ones or with dental inlays.

Finalisation of Treatment and Maintenance

Predicting the outcome of whitening is not always easy. Your dentist will discuss expected results with you. However, in general, teeth whitening has positive results in one session. At the same time, it is important to appreciate that you may need another session to achieve optimum results.

After treatment, your dentist will recommend a good quality whitening toothpaste. The food you eat and what your drink both have an impact on the whiteness of your teeth. Follow the dentist’s advice for long term positive effects.

In Conclusion

Teeth whitening is perfectly safe. It is a tried and tested dental treatment that has been used for many years. There is absolutely no reason why you should not have nice and white teeth.

For example one of our patient, Angelo from Belgium got 4 pieces of Cad /Cam metal free zirconia crowns and a teeth whitening for rest of he’s teeth.

He got a treatment plan in Belgium for 4 pieces of zirconia crowns and a teeth whitening for 3700€ in total.

He contacted us, we sent back our treatment plan in a few hours. Our price for that plan was 1790€.

He arrived in Budapest at our clinic where got the treatment in only 4 working days.

He’s saving was: 3700€-1790€= 1910€

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