Pyorrhea and Its treatment. Free guide

Pyorrhea and Its treatment. Free guide

Pyorrhea and its treatment. Pyorrhea refers to an acute periodontal complication where the patient’s bones and ligaments which support the teeth become for example infected and inflamed. In particular, it develops from advanced gingivitis. In this case, gingivitis is a mild kind of hum disease that contributes to the gingiva’s swelling and redness (a section of the gum adjacent to the base of your teeth. After you experience inflammation, your gums gradually misalign from the tooth certain, and eventually, you might experience tooth. Pyorrhea is a hazardous disease since you will not experience any noticeable symptoms for an extended period.

before pyorrhea's treatment


Gingivitis means a painless inflammation of the gum tissues. Its primary signs include unpleasant breath, bad taste, bleeding, swollen and red gums. It can develop due to smoking, bad teeth brushing techniques, and bad mouth hygiene. However, certain health complications ( diabetes, leukemia), genetic predisposition, medications, and hormonal changes might also contribute to the development of this condition. If you do not receive treatment for the inflammation, you can suffer from periodontitis and, in the end, pyorrhea and teeth loss.


Most patients might assume the development of pyorrhea since it is not painful. In most cases, you might assume that strong brushing is the cause of gum bleeding. The primary causes of pyorrhea include bad brushing techniques, poor oral hygiene, mineral deficiency, vitamin D and C deficiencies which weaken your immune system. Other factors that can lead to pyorrhea include genetic predisposition and certain cardiac medications.


The proper alternative to teeth removal can be the replacement of the missing bone tissue and crown.

If your condition is acute, your doctor might recommend flab surgery and advanced conservative treatment. The surgery will assist in removing deposits formed underneath the gums. Also, bone grafting surgery can be recommended in severe bone loss.

Flossing can assist in removing plaque from hard-to-reach areas in your mouth.

Learn and apply appropriate tooth brushing techniques

Regular polishing and scaling are critical to remove plaque, trapped food, and hard tartar. Such issues can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. After polishing teeth, the dentist will treat them with fluoride. Surprisingly, your gums might bleed when receiving treatment or become sensitive for some days of treatment. The dentists can undertake deep cleaning of your periodontal pockets to promote faster healing.

after pyorrhea's treatment


Firstly regular dental checkups (dentists recommend after every six months)

Dental floss and mouthwash to remove dental plague

Quitting smoking

Practice appropriate brushing (brushing your gums towards the teeth) after every meal.

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